
Havalo helps you know who is parking on campus

Student safety doesn't end in the classroom. Take control of the data that is tracking vehicles on campus. Automatically assign parking passes, manage tickets and quickly identify unknown vehicles.

Havalo Parking is built to manage your vehicle database. With full NHTSA integration and support for non-alphanumeric symbols on custom vanity license plates, this is the solution to your campus parking problems.

Track vehicles, passes, tickets

Manage registered vehicles, parking passes, and tickets within our intuitive interface. Control registration for any vehicle and monitor unpaid parking tickets.

Register any vehicle, big or small

Allow faculty and students to securely register their cars or motorcycles. Enjoy full support for special characters on vanity plates such as , , , and .

No sticker, no problem

Filter by make, model, or color to quickly find any registered vehicle and its owner.

Security friendly

Establish control over parking offenses or moving violations on campus. Give security personnel the tools they need to issue and manage campus parking tickets from a mobile device.

Why Schools Havalo Parking

Discipline Integration

Create student disciplinary incidents for parking tickets and other offenses.

Manage stall assignments

Manage parking stalls and manually assign reserved stalls to employees.

Ticketing built in

Manage existing tickets or create new tickets for unregistered vehicles and other violations.

Works On Any Device

No apps to install. Create tickets and quickly lookup registered vehicle license plates on any device with a modern web browser.

Automatically Assign Passes

Automatically assign campus parking passes to students and faculty in dedicated lots.

Parental visibility

Allow parents to view and track their student vehicles, parking passes and tickets.

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